Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Have more control of your future energy costs. Contact Imagin360 to learn more about avoiding heat loss and keeping your home cool.

  • What is Sustainability to you?
  • How do you define VALUE?
  • Have you considered getting a home efficiency rating assessment for your property?
  • Do you currently have consistent (dependable), clean and safe water, electricity, heating, cooling?
  • What are the most crucial resources you need daily?
  • Are your energy bills expensive in your mind?
  • Do you have control over the source of your use of energy?
  • How are you protected from supply chain interruption?
  • Are you willing to invest into innovation and efficiency?
  • Have you wanted to learn more about making changes for a more sustainable home?

Design with Energy Consumption in Mind

Considering a remodel is a big decision. A decision to also include solar panel placements will be as important as water conservation in the years to come. As solar power becomes a necessity, the time is now to make environmental decisions that impact the future not only of our personal home heating and cooling costs but to off-set consumption on the overall power grid across our state.

Prevent home heat loss Keep your home cool home energy rating chart