
A Boutique Building Consulting Company

Based in Golden and Fraser, Colorado: the Epicenter of Energy research and development. The companies TRIAD structure encompasses Design-Build, Property Care, and Energy Solutions that all focus on Sustainability Planning and Logistics.

Design / Build

Environmental Design Planning and Logistics with Architects and Contractors

  • Environmental Design and Architecture
  • General Contracting and Performance Upgrade Contracting
  • Project Management and Quality Control
  • Self Sustaining Energy and Resource system Design/Build

Energy Solutions

Energy Modeling, Monitoring, Planning and Logistics for People and Businesses

  • Audit and Assess Current Energy and Resource Footprint
  • Model and Benchmark Resource Needs (now & future)
  • Develop Plans and Logistics based on Resource Model
  • Sustainability Planning for short and long term decision making
  • Investment (ROI) and Financial Efficacy
  • Implementation of Energy and Resource efficiency measures
  • Energy and Resource Monitoring and Valuation
  • Utility and Energy Infrastructure Design and Retrofit

Consulting, Logistics, and Planning

Unique and Project-Specific Solutions

Since the services are all unique and tailor-made to each opportunity it is not possible to describe and price. We are happy to discuss your project further and develop proposals, the scope of work, and the contract accordingly. Please contact us and let us know how we can help you on the path to a more sustainable future.

Property Care

Operations and Maintenance Planning and Logistics for Property and Businesses

  • Property (building or residence) Operations and Maintenance
  • Supply Chain interruption and event-driven planning and preparation
  • Security Planning, Preparation, and Deployment

“Sustainability is not one thing it is everything.”

Since Sustainability is not just one thing it is everything we feel it is crucial to define what it means in new design/builds. For Imagin360 Sustainability is the Responsibility (Value) of managing OUR current resources in energy, water, built environment, and people now. So that future generations have the same opportunity.

It is OUR view that the best path toward is Sustainability and it is an incremental one. Focusing on how energy and resources are used, where costs are, and reducing them, determining where the value is, and preserving that.